Regulatory requirements, such as the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) and the EU AI Act, are forcing banks and insurance companies, among others, to adapt their IT systems and applications based on artificial intelligence (AI). In addition, the accelerated development of AI in the financial sector increases the pressure on players to act and shows how important it is to pursue a balanced approach that takes both innovation and security into account.

With KPMG, you have access to proven expertise in the fields of AI innovation and cyber security. We support you in building a sustainable AI security strategy that meets the regulatory framework.

The comprehensive range of AI services for the financial sector has been developed to overcome the multi-layered hurdles that companies face on their way to a digital future. Our goal is to enable you to deploy your AI initiatives in a secure, compliant, performance-optimized and trustworthy way. We offer end-to-end solutions that cover everything from strategic guidelines to operational management in terms of IT security.

Our comprehensive range of services at a glance

We develop and implement customized AI security policies and compliance programs that are specifically tailored to your company's needs. Our goal is to ensure that your AI initiatives are not only in line with current best practices, but also meet ever-changing regulatory requirements.

Our team identifies and assesses security risks and develops architectural solutions to help you deploy your AI applications effectively and securely. We help you design a secure AI architecture that provides robust defenses against attacks while maintaining your flexibility to continue to innovate.

We also offer specialised banking and insurance testing for AI systems to evaluate the effectiveness of system prompts, model alignment and other AI protection measures. These customised tests help to ensure that your AI models do not perform unauthorised actions and are resilient to critical AI attack vectors.

Our experts support you in operating your AI systems securely and making them available to your customers. From the start-up phase to ongoing operations, we support you in securing your AI applications and integrating them into existing IT security systems. In doing so, we apply proven security practices for the entire lifecycle of AI development and use.

Our services include training, development and fine-tuning of AI models in the field of IT security. We support you in deploying your AI models highly efficiently and adapting them to the individual circumstances of your company - so that you can benefit from the numerous advantages of artificial intelligence with a stable foundation of IT security and compliance. Let's work together to ensure that your organization is at the forefront of technological innovation - without compromising on security and compliance.